Walk Out The Dooor
Walk Out The Dooor is an installation designed and curated by Calvi Brambilla to celebrate the partnership with up-and-coming brand Dooor, whose sound identity is rooted in the design of 50s-style folding doors and which now speaks the new language of fluid living. The display layout is an architectural exercise on the ability of Dooor’s folding door to give spaces new identities, creating a contrast with the frescoed rooms of Palazzo Litta. The Walk Out the Dooor narrative plays out along two routes to highlight the versatility of the folding doors across a variety of spatial layouts and different styles: enveloped in warm hues, the linear route presents different materials and finishings for the moveable structure; the circular route, featuring cold hues, forms the outline of a small living room. Zaven designed the pattern for the circular route, heralding the company’s new willingness to team up with Italian and international designers and graphic designers in the future.